キイロショウジョウバエの種々の成虫原基よりのin vitro細胞培養〔英文〕
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In our previous study, a culture system was developed to establish cell lines from dissociated imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster (Ui et al., 1987). Under the culture conditions employed, each kind of disc showed a unique profile in primary cultures. Some of the cell aggregates formed in in vitro culture of 3 to 6 weeks were capable of differentiating into adult structures in the metamorphosing host. The ratio of aggregates with this ability, however, was different according to the particular kind of imaginal disc and appeared correlated to the efficiency of cell line establishment.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
上田 龍
上田 竜
Miyake Tadashi
Laboratory Of Cell Biology Mitsubishi Kasei Institute Of Life Sciences
UI Kumiko
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
宇井 久美子
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
上田 竜
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
三宅 端
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
MIYAKE Tadashi
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Mitsubishi-Kasei Instituts of Life Sciences
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