- 論文の詳細を見る
Three genes representing an indigenous (B1 gene for awn suppression), an alien (Hp gene for hairy peduncle from rye), and a lethal mutant gene (v1 for virescence), were transferred from common sources to a 6x (Triticum aestivum cv. S-615) and 4x wheat (T. durum var. reichenbachii), by repeated backcrosses using the latter as recurrent pollen parents. In every backcross generation, heterozygotes of each gene were backcrossed as well as self- pollinated, and the transmission rates of these genes to offspring weredetermined. The B1 gene showed normal transmission in both 6x and 4x wheats. The Hp gene was transmitted normally in 6x wheat, while its transmission rate was slightly depressed (ca. 10%) through both female and male gametes in 4x wheat. The v1 gene was transmitted at slightly lower frequency (about 10%) than its normal allele in 6x wheat, while its transmission rate was greatly reduced through both female (ca. 40%) and male gametes (ca. 70%) in 4x wheat. Thus, it was concluded that polyploidy increases tolerance of plants to deleterious genes.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
常脇 恒一郎
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
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