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This study was designed to apply the method of discontinuous Percoll gradients for sex preselection in bovine semen by using a current developed molecular technique, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In addition, we attempted to amplify the level of enrichment of X- or Y-bearing spermatozoa by treating for activating sperm motility performance with 10 mM caffeine. Bovine spermatozoa were fractionated on Percoll gradients into two major subpopulations of motile spermatozoa (bottom fraction) and weak motile spermatozoa (top fraction). The percentage of Y-bearing spermatozoa in the top fraction (52.9%) slightly exceeded and that in the bottom fraction (44.3%) decreased significantly (P<0.001) compared with the theoretical ratio (50:50). Washing sperm with BO medium affected a deviation between the two sex populations, whereas semen activated with caffeine showed no difference in the percentage of X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa in both fractions compared with the theoretical ratio (50:50). These results show that the proportion of X- and Y-bearing bovine spermatozoa can deviate after discontinuous Percoll gradients, although the proportion of X- and Y-bearing bovine spermatozoa was affected by sperm motility of the sample applied.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
SASADA Hiroshi
Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
内田 宏
SATO Eimei
Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
Kobayashi Jin
Miyagi Prefecture Agricultural College
小林 仁
Miyagi Agricultural College
小黒 仁司
Miyagi Agricultural College
内田 宏
Miyagi Agricultural College
OGURO Hitoshi
Miyagi Agricultural College
UCHIDA Hiroshi
Miyagi Agricultural College
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