- 論文の詳細を見る
Repeat breeding is one of the most important reproductive disorders in buffaloes. Its etiology, however, is not well described. The aim of this study was to show the clinical features of repeat breeding buffaloes referred to infertility camps in the southern region of Nepal. Eighty-five buffaloes mated three times or more without conception were clinically examined. Sixty percent of the buffaloes were heifers. Fifty-nine percent of the buffalo cows with repeat breeding were already 10 months or more after calving. Indications of cervicitis were observed in 25 % of the repeat breeders. Buffalo cows 12 months or more after calving and heifers in adequate nutritional condition were treated with either GnRH or PGF2α, and showed a satisfactory conception rate after treatment. Cows within 12 months post partum and heifers at a relatively younger age were treated with a vitamin/mineral mixture supplement, and this resulted in a moderate conception rate. In conclusion, the major clinical features of repeat breeding buffaloes include a large proportion of heifers, a long interval from calving to treatment, a high incidence of cervicitis, and a high or moderate response to treatment with PGF2a and GnRH or vitamin/mineral mixture. More attention needs to be paid to estrous detection and management of mating with bulls.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
- 2006-06-01
中尾 敏彦
中尾 敏彦
SAH Shyam
Department of Theriogenology, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University
Sah Shyam
Department Of Theriogenology Institute Of Agriculture And Animal Science Rampur
中尾 敏彦
山口大学 農学部獣医学科
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