Structure and Function of Bacterial Super-Biosystem Responsible for Import and Depolymerization of Macromolecules
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Generally, when microbes assimilate macromolecules, they incorporate low-molecular-weight products derived from macromolecules through the actions of extracellular degrading enzymes. However, a Gram-negative bacterium, Sphingomonas sp. A1, has a smart biosystem for the import and depolymerization of macromolecules. The bacterial cells directly incorporate a macromolecule, alginate, into the cytoplasm through a “superchannel”, as we named it. The superchannel consists of a pit on the cell surface, alginate-binding proteins in the periplasm, and an ATP-binding cassette transporter in the inner membrane. Cytoplasmic polysaccharide lyases depolymerize alginate into the constituent monosaccharides. Other than the proteins characterized so far, novel proteins (e.g., flagellin homologs) have been found to be crucial for the import and depolymerization of alginate through genomics- and proteomics-based identification, thus indicating that the biosystem is precisely constructed and regulated by diverse proteins. In this review, we focus on the structure and function of the bacterial biosystem together with the evolution of related proteins.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2005-04-23
橋本 渉
Mishima Yumiko
Department Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univers
Mishima Yumiko
Research Institute For Food Science Kyoto University
Mikami B
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Mikami Bunzo
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Mikami Bunzo
Laboratory Of Food Quality Design And Development Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
橋本 渉
Murata K
Dep. Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Div. Of Food And Biological Sci. Graduate School O
Murata Kousaku
Div. Of Food Sci. And Biotech. Grad. Sch. Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Laboratory of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Unive
Laboratory of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Unive
Laboratory of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Unive
Laboratory of Food Quality Design and Development, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
MURATA Kousaku
Laboratory of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Unive
Oriental Yeast Co.Ltd.
Matsushita Kazunobu
Derartment Of Blological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
Mikami B
Kyoto Univ.
Murata Kousaku
Dep. Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Div. Of Food And Biological Sci. Graduate School O
Momma Keiko
Laboratory Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univers
Maruyama Yukie
Laboratory Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univers
Matsushita K
Department Of Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
Yamasaki Masayuki
The Division Of Applied Life Sciences The Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Mikami Bunzo
Div. Of Food Sci. And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
松下 一信
山口大 農
Mikami Bunzo
Laboratory of Applied Structural Biology, Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Murata Kousaku
Laboratory of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Division of Food and Biological Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
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