Sequence Analysis of Full-Length cDNA of Sex Chromosome-Linked Novel Gene 2d-2F9 in Gallus gallus
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We obtained two novel W chromosome-linked chick genes by the use of female-male subtraction macroarrays, one of which, 2d-2F9, (recorded as AB188527 in DDBJ) did not have sufficient length (776 bp) to reveal its real form or characteristics. Hence, we obtained full-length Z-linked and W-linked 2d-2F9 genes of 2596 bp and 2589 bp respectively by the oligo-capping and RACE methods.Sequence analysis of these genes not only revealed that there is a counterpart of the W-linked 2d-2F9 gene on the Z chromosome, but also that there is a low homologous area at 5′-UTR between the W- and Z-kinked genes. Using this information, we designed a set of primers to identify sex and to select clones having the Z and W-linked gene (named 2d-2F9-Z and 2d-2F9-W), and also prepared two sets of primers for RT-PCR. These genes were found to be expressed constitutively and ubiquitously from the early embryo to the hatched chick, and they were assigned to the AAA ATP-superfamily.
論文 | ランダム
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- 〈資料〉 2.筑波大学農林技術センター演習林気象報告 : 川上演習林気象観測データ(2005年)
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