A Hybrid Data Delivery Method of Data Broadcasting and On-demand Wireless Communication
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As the recent advances in the wireless technologies and mobile terminals, mobile users equipped with mobile devices are able to access wireless services through 3G cellular network, WiFi hotspot, or WiMAX link, as well as through satellite digital broadcast or terrestrial digital broadcast. By effectively taking advantage of these complementary communication modes, we explore a new hybrid data delivery model, i.e., Hybrid Wireless Broadcast (HWB) model to benefit from the optimal combination of the push-based and pull-based broadcast and on-demand point-to-point wireless communication. The HWB model can provide a flexible and complementary information service in different bandwidths and service ranges, and greatly improve the responsibility, scalability, and efficiency of the system. The results of simulation study show the proposed HWB approach achieves a significant improvement in system performance.
Nishio Shojiro
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Cai Jing
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka University
Hara Takahiro
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
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