Metabolism of mesopelagic and bathypelagic copepods in the western North Pacific Ocean
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Respiration (= oxygen consumption) rates and electron transport system (ETS) enzymeactivities in conjunction with body carbon and nitrogen composition (for respiration) or protein (forETS) were determined for over 50 copepod species from the mesopelagic (M; 500 to 1000 m), upperbathypelagic(UB; 1000 to 2000 m) and lower-bathypelagic (LB; 2000 to 3000 m) zones of the westernsubarctic Pacific. Calculated specific respiration rates (SR, a fraction of body carbon respired) at insitu temperatures (3, 2 and 1.5°C for the M, UB and LB zones, respectively) were greater for the Mzone copepods (mean: 1.1% body C d–1) than that for the UB and LB zone copepods (both 0.6% bodyC d–1). Respiration rates adjusted to those at 1°C by using a Q10 value (2.0), and to those of specimenswith 1 mg body nitrogen by using a body mass exponent (0.8) (e.g. adjusted metabolic rates, AMR, inμl O2 (mg body N)–0.8 h–1) were also greater for the M zone copepods than for the UB and LB zonecopepods. ETS activities, measured as μl O2 (mg protein)–0.8 h–1, showed the same depth-relateddecline from the M zone to the LB zone. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that stage/sex, feedingtype and/or reaction speeds (as judged by the presence/absence of myelin sheath envelopingaxons) of copepods were possible additional variables affecting their respiration rates and ETS activities.The reduction in respiration rates and ETS activities from the M zone to the UB or LB zone ismore pronounced when respiration rate data on Arctic/Antarctic epipelagic copepods is added; thesame is true for ETS activities when respiration rate data is added from copepods dominant in thesubarctic Pacific. The present results are compared with those of micronektonic crustaceans andfishes reported for specimens collected from 500 to 2000 m in other regions and discussed in the lightof the 'visual interactions' hypothesis.
- Inter-Researchの論文
- 2006-09-20
Inter-Research | 論文
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