矢橋人工島周辺の生物調査1 : (1)クロロフィル量からみた人工島周辺の水質
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The biological surveies were performed to investigate how the construction of the artificial island at the offshore of Yabase, on which the plant for a sewage water treatment is going to be established and the area of which come to about 74 ha, have influence on the natural environments. In this paper only part of the surveies are reported to estimate the water quality around the artificial island from the standpoint of the amount of chrolophyll and to know how the construction of island changes the water quality. The amounts of chlorophyll were strikingly richer at the waters among the artificial island and the lake shore, especially in the end of July and in August than the waters of offshore side of the island and the control waters located near Yabase which has almost similar conditions with Yabase waters except the nonexistence of island. The water movements at the waters among the artificial island and the shore are interrupted by the island and as the result, the waters seems to become more eutroficated.
- 滋賀大学教育学部附属湖沼実習施設の論文
滋賀大学教育学部附属湖沼実習施設 | 論文
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