Simple Culture System for Bobwhite Quail and Japanese Quail Embryos from the Blastoderm Stage to Hatching using a Single Surrogate Eggshell
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The ex vivo culture of avian embryos is a technique for the long-term culturing of embryos outside of their own shell and shell membrane. It allows easy access to the developing embryos and embryo manipulation. The two-step system is widely applied when the culture is performed after oviposition. Japanese quail as well as bobwhite quail are used as models for avian safety assessment as recommended by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines. However, biological studies on the bobwhite quail have been more limited than those on the Japanese quail. We have developed a more simplified ex vivo culture protocol for the two species of quail embryos from the blastoderm stage through to hatching using a single surrogate eggshell. Hatchabilities of 31% and 27% were obtained in bobwhite quail and Japanese quail embryos, respectively. The simple system described in the present study is an easy and acceptable procedure.
- Depletion of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) by X-irradiation to Extraembryonic Region of Chicken Embryos and Expression of Xenotransplanted Quail PGCs
- Simple Culture System for Bobwhite Quail and Japanese Quail Embryos from the Blastoderm Stage to Hatching using a Single Surrogate Eggshell
- Culture Conditions for Maintain Propagation, Long-term Survival and Germline Transmission of Chicken Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells