Spatial distribution of phytopigments and organic matter in surface sediments in Lake Saroma (Hokkaido, Japan)
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In Lake Saroma, scallops have been adversely affected by hypoxic events, which arecaused by long-term scallop culture in summer. In this study, we were conducive to the spatialdistribution of ChI a, phaeopigment, total organic carbon (TO C) and total nitrogen on a gridof 54 stations in surface sediments. The temporal changes in the TOC content of the surfacesediments since the initiation of scallop culture in Lake Saroma were also studied. The averageChI a j total pigments was 0.7±0.2 in the organic poor area (PA), which was higher than 0.4± 0.2 in the organic rich area (RA). Benthic environments were suited for growingmicrophytobenthos in the PA. In contrast, the RA has become increasingly eutrophic becauseof the average TOC was 23±5 mg g- l, which was higher than 6± 3 mg g -l in the PA. Duringthe past 40 years, after the TOC content had decreased in surface sediment owing to the excavationwork, it has increased in the RA owing to the concentrated scallop culture facilities . Thisstudy concludes that benthic environments in Lake Saroma are directly and indirectly affected by human activities, particularly in the RA.
- 日仏海洋学会の論文
- 2013-12-30
日仏海洋学会 | 論文
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