アジアとロシアに分布するメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌 Hungarian cloneのmultiplex PCRによる迅速検出
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Dr. Olga Khokholova from Krasnoyarsk (Russia) took part in the young doctor program, a new Japan-Russia exchange program started in 2008, and studied methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in collaboration with young scientists from National Taiwan University and Niigata University. The Hungarian MRSA clone (and related clones) is a major pandemic clone spreading worldwide including Europe, South America, Africa, Asia, and Russia. In this study, we developed the multiplex PCR targeting the combination of the five genes (nuc, mecA, sea, cna), which were present only in the Hungarian clone, and unambiguously distinguished the Hungarian clone from other pandemic MRSA clones, such as the New York/Japan clone.
- 新潟医学会の論文
新潟医学会 | 論文
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