論文 知覚経験は時間的に延長しているのか
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Postdictive effects are phenomena whereinthe perceptual experience of an initial stimulusis affected by a second stimulus that is givenimmediately after its offset. These phenomenaattracted a great deal of attention of philosophersbecause it seems mysterious how thenature of the perceptual experience of the initialstimulus is determined by the secondstimulus in a backward way.A number of models have been proposed forthese perplexing phenomena. Recently IanPhillips has developed the so-called "extensionalistmodel" of postdictive effects. The otherprevious models assume the claim that perceptualexperience is a momentary mental statewhich represents either a snapshot of the sceneor a temporally extended event. By contrast,Phillips maintains that perceptual experience isa temporally extended mental state and this extendedexperience is "metaphysically prior to"the momentary perceptions that constitute it(Philips, I. (2011) "Attention and Iconic Memory,"219). Hence, the perception at eachmoment is explained by the whole extendedexperience in a derivative way. If the extensionalistmodel is correct, we can explain thebackward modulation of the perceptual experienceof the initial stimulus by that of thesecond one as the formation of one temporallyextended perceptual experience in which theperception of the initial stimulus "constitutivelydepend[s] on facts about later experience"(Phillips, I. (2014) "Experience of and inTime," 136).My aim in this paper is to show that Phillips'arguments for the extensionalist model are notfully successful. Pace Phillips, his extensionalistmodel is no more advantageous than one of itsrival models in explaining postdictive effects.
- 滋賀大学経済学会の論文
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