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The purpose of this paper was to clarify the current situation of the Coordination between schools and external organizations regarding children's mental health problems. We administered a questionnaire survey to all the 938 yogo teachers in Niigata Prefecture from September through November 2011 on Coordination with externalorganizations and obtained answers from 651 of them. We analyzed the current situations of "presence of Coordination" and "affiliates," "people who were directly involved with external organizations," "the details of Coordination," "the advantages gained from Coordination" and the associations between their Coordination and the numbers of years and kinds of schools they had experienced as yogo teachers. The result was that the percentage of yogo teachers who had coordinated with external organizations was 88.5%, which increased with an increase in the numbers of years and kinds of schools they had experienced as Yogo teachers. Also, medical institutions, child guidance centers, and education guidance centers accounted for the largest numbers of affiliates in descending order. "Coordination was helpful in giving instructions or advice to support children" accounted for the largest percentage of the advantages gained from their Coordination with external organizations. In addition, Yogo teachers accounted for the largest percentage of those who were directly involved with external organizations next to class teachers, and it turned out that yogo teachers played a major role in schools' Coordination with external organizations.本稿の目的は、子どもの心の健康問題における学校と外部機関との連携の現状を明らかにすることである。2011年9~11月に、新潟県のすべての養護教諭938名を対象として、外部機関との連携に関する質問紙調査を行い、651名から回答を得た。「連携の有無」や「連携先」、「外部機関と直接関わった人」、「連携の内容」、「連携してよかったこと」についての現状と、連携と養護教諭の経験年数及び校種との関連について分析した。その結果、外部機関と連携したことがある養護教諭の割合は88.5%であり、養護教諭の経験年数、校種が上がるにつれその割合は高くなっていた。また、連携先は医療機関、児童相談所、教育相談機関の順で多かった。連携してよかったことは、「子どもの支援のために指導・助言に役立った」が最も多かった。さらに、外部機関と直接関わった人は担任の次に養護教諭が多く、連携における養護教諭の役割が大きいことが分かった。
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