〈Contributed Paper〉Implications of tissue reactions for radiological protection
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[Abstract] Cancer effects and risks at low doses from ionising radiation have been main issues within the field of radiological protection. In contrast, non-cancer effects and risks at low doses from ionising radiation are controversial topics within the field of radiation protection. These issues are discussed in ICRP Publication 118, "ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions." Both non-cancer effects and risks are expected to become increasingly important to the system of radiation protection. Before this can happen, several factors must be considered: thorough characterization of the relationship between dose and risk; verification of the biological mechanisms for any noted excess risk; and adjustment of noted excess risksthrough the use of a detriment factor. It is difficult to differentiate the relatively small risks associated with radiation from other risk factors in the low-dose region of the dose response curve. Several recent papers also indicate the possibility of a non-linear dose response relationship for non-cancer effects. In addition, there are still many uncertainties associated with the biological mechanisms for non-cancer effects. Finally, it is essential to consider the incorporation of detriment into a well-defined system of radiological protection. Given the recent interest in non-cancer effects, it is essential to facilitate discussions in order to more clearly define dose limits within the existing system of radiation protection for both cancer and non-cancer effects. 〈概要〉低線量放射線による発がん影響とそのリスクの解釈は、放射線防護の領城における主たるテーマであった。これに対して、低線量放射線による非がん影響とそのリスクの解釈は放射線防護の領域における議論のテーマであり、ICRP(国際放射線防護委員会)のPublication118(2012)が出されている。また、「組織反応に関するICRP声明」(2011)が出されている。しかしながら、非がん影響とそのリスクの解釈は、まだ始まったばかりの議論であり、特に着目されている心臓疾患に関する議論では、リスクの有無、あるいはそのリスクを放射線防護体系に取り入れる方法に関して、まだ多くの課題が残されていると言える。
- 近畿大学原子力研究所の論文
近畿大学原子力研究所 | 論文
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