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本研究では、カンショ焼酎粕(濃縮液+脱水ケーキ)を主原料とし、大豆粕を副原料として製造した焼酎粕ペレット飼料の成長、飼料効率、肉質等に及ぼす影響を検討するため、期待体重60から115kgまでの交雑種(WL×D)による飼養試験を1回(実験1、加茂牧場、中部飼料株式会社)、期待体重60~115kgまで(実験2)、期待体重30から115kgまで(実験3)ならびに期待体重10から115kgまで(実験4<通しの試験>)のバークシャー種によるフィールド試験を計3回(永田種豚場)行った。試験飼料の焼酎粕含量率は、乾物当りで、加茂牧場(実験1)2.26%、永田種豚場(実験2)1.77%、永田種豚場(実験3)3.00%(期待体重30~60kg)、3.00%(期待体重60~115kg)、永田種豚場(実験4)2.90%(期待体重10~30kg)、2.42%(期待体重30~60kg)、2.26%(期待体重60~115kg)であった。対照飼料としては、市販飼料を用いた。得られた結果は以下の通りである。(1)実験1の加茂牧場における期待体重60~115kg間の飼養試験では、試験区の平均1日増体量は対照区よりも約19%高かったが、平均1日飼料摂取量が対照区より約13%高くなったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区より約6%高い傾向を示すにとどまった。肉質等には試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高かった。(2)実験2の永田種豚場における期待体重60~115kgまでのフィールド試験では、試験区よりも対照区の方が、1日増体量で10%、飼料効率で15%ほど高くなった。これは、この試験に用いた配合飼料の焼酎粕含量が1.77%と他の試験に比べてきわめて低かったことが影響しているのかも知れない。なお、血液成分や健康状態には差は見られなかった。一方、行動面では、試験区において社会的序列の上下差が大きく、それによる耳かじりなどの異常行動が見られた。肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が高い傾向にあった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。(3)実験3の永田種豚場における期待体重30~115kg区間では、平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約10%高かったが、試験区の平均1日飼料摂取量が対照区よりも約7%高かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区より約3%改善されたにとどまった。なお、血液成分や健康状態には差が認められなかった。 この試験の中の60~115kgの部分を抜き出してみると、この場合は、実験2の結果と違って、区内平均1日増体量は対照区よりも試験区が約10%高くなり、飼料効率も試験区で約5%改善された。なお、肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高い傾向にあった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。(4)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重10~30kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約21%も高かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量は試験区・対照区間に差が認められなかったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区よりも約21%も改善された。(5)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重30~60kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約6%低かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量も試験区が対照区間より約6%低かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかった。(6)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重60~115kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約2%低かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量も試験区が対照区に比べて約4%低かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかった。(7)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重10~115kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区・対照区間にほとんど差が認められなかった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量は試験区が対照区よりも約2%低く、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区よりも約3%改善された。通しの結果を総合してみると、離乳期子豚に対する焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与の効果が著しいと言える。肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高かった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。以上、肉用豚肥育期の成長に対する焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与試験の結果を総合すると、焼酎粕ペレット飼料の給与は、市販の対照飼料並みまたはそれ以上の成長促進効果があると考えられる。また、焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与豚の肉のビタミンE含有率は、対照飼料給与豚の肉よりもほぼ有意に高まり、肉の官能検査では、総合的な好ましさが認められた。In this study, one feeding experiment (Exp.1) with crossbred swine (WL×D) (from 60 to 115kg of expected body weight (BW)) at Kamo Experimental Ranch (Chubu Shiryo, Co.Ltd.) and three field experiments with Berkshire from 60 to 115kg of expected BW (Exp.2), from 30 to 115kg of expected BW (Exp.3) and from 10 to 115kg of expected BW (throughout test) (Exp.4) at Nagata Farm were conducted in order to investigate the stimulatory effect on growth, feed efficiency, meet quality and so on, of pellet feeds produced from shochu distiller's by-product (SDB) (sweet potato shochu distiller's condensed soluble + its cake) as a main materials and soybean meal as a sub-material. SDB contents on dry matter basis of the test feeds used in this study were 2.26% in Exp. 1 at Kamo Experimental Ranch, 1.77% in Exp. 2 at Nagata Farm, 3.00% (expected BW :30-60kg) and 3.00% (expected BW :60-115kg) in Exp. 3 at Nagata Farm and 2.90% (expected BW :30-60kg) and 2.26% (expected BW :60-115kg) in Exp. 4 at Nagata Farm. Commercial formula feeds were used as control feeds.Results obtained were as follows:(1) In the feeding experiment at Kamo Experimental Ranch (Exp, 1), although average daily gain in test animals was c. 19 % higher than that in control animals, average daily intake in test animals was also c. 13 % higher. Thus, as a result, the feed efficiency in test animals tended to show a value only c. 6 % higher than that in control animals. Though no difference in meat quality was found between test and control animals, average vitamin E content in meat of the test animals was significantly higher than that of control animals.(2) In the case of expected BW from 60 to 115 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (Exp. 2), both average daily gain and feed efficiency in control animals were higher than those of test animals by c. 10 and 15 %, respectively. Real reason is not sure, but a lower value of SDB content (1.77 %) compared with those in other experiments might affect the results. There were no differences in blood constituents and health between test and control animals. In terms of behavior, a large difference in the social order and hence an abnormal behavior such as biting ears were observed in test animals. No difference in meat quality was found between test and control animals, but average vitamin E content in the meat of the test animals was also significantly higher than that of control animals. Organoleptic evaluation of the meat showed that major persons felt favorite for the meat of the test animals.(3) In the case of expected BW from 30 to 115 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (Exp. 3), average daily gain in the test animals was c. 10 % higher than that in the control animals and average daily intake in the test animals was also c. 7 % higher than that in the control animals. Thus, as a result, the feed efficiency in test animals tended to show a value only c. 3 % higher than that in control animals. There were no differences in blood constituents and health between test and control animals. Focussing a part of the result (from 60 to 115 kg of expected BW), average daily gain and feed efficiency in the test animals were c. 10 and 5 % higher than that in the control animals, respectively, different from the results in Exp. 2.No difference in meat quality was found between test and control animals, but average vitamin E content in the meat of the test animals tended to be higher than that of control animals. Organoleptic evaluation of the meat also showed that major persons felt favorite for the meat of the test animals.(4) In the case of expected BW from 10 to 30 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (throughout test) (Exp. 4), average daily gain in the test animals was c. 21 % higher than that in the control animals and there was no difference in average daily intake between test and control animals. Thus, as a result, the feed efficiency in test animals was c. 21 % higher than that in control animals.(5) In the case of expected BW from 30 to 60 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (throughout test) (Exp. 4), average daily gain in the test animals was c. 6 % lower than that in the control animals and average daily intake in the test animals was also c. 6 % lower than that in the control animals. Thus, as a result, there was no difference in the feed efficiency between the test and control animals.(6) In the case of expected BW from 60 to 115 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (throughout test) (Exp. 4), average daily gain and average daily intake in the test animals were c. 2 and 4 % lower than those in the control animals. As a result, there was no difference in the feed efficiency between the test and control animals.(7) In the case of expected BW from 10 to 115 kg in the field experiment at Nagata Farm (throughout test) (Exp. 4), there was no difference in the feed efficiency between the test and control animals. Average daily intake in the test animals was c. 2 % lower than that in the control animals. As a result, feed efficiency in the test animals tended to be improved by c. 3 %. Considering the results of throughout test (Exp. 4) totally, the effect of SDB on the growth and feed efficiency in the period of weaning piglets (expected BW from 10 to 30 kg) is remarkable. No difference in the meat quality was found between the test and control animals, but average vitamin E content in the meat of the test animals was also significantly higher than that of control animals. Organoleptic evaluation of the meat revealed again that major persons felt favorite for the meat of the test animals. Therefore, the results of feeding and field experiments for examining the effect of SDB pellet feed on the growth of growing and finishing swine can be put together to form the viewpoints that the SDB pellet feed have a growth-stimulatory effect as well as or more than the commercial feed used as control feeds in these experiments and that vitamin E content of the meat of the swine fed SDB pellet feed almost always significantly higher than that of the swine fed the control feed. Further, organoleptic evaluation of the meat always reported that major persons felt favorite for the meat of the test animals.
- 宮崎大学の論文
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