国境を越えた大学間連携のネットワークに中等教育機関を組み込むことの意義について -TWINCLEプログラムを事例に
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The purpose of this article is to raise new questions on the relation between accommodation of international issuein secondary education and transnational activities in higher education. In secondary education, assessments being made by the Program for International Student Assessment(PISA), which have significant influence on educational policy of each country, are being considered as an international issue. Likewise, in Japan, policies on teacher training and curriculum development, which have been recognized as a domestic issue before, are now being regarded as an important world trend. In higher education, universities in regions such as ASEAN and EU have promoted offshore and cross-border cooperation. Such universities facilitate transnational movement of students and researchers, and develop various lectures on transnational issues such as environmental problem, human rights and international politics. This article also considers the effect of increasing transnational higher education activities, known as offshore or cross-border education activities, being implemented in secondary schools in ASEAN and EU. TWINCLE program, which is a transnational educational network among Chiba University and universities and secondary schools in Indonesia as a case example, is discussed.
- 千葉大学教育学部の論文
- 2014-03-01
千葉大学教育学部 | 論文
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