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音楽のもつ覚醒調整効果を検討するために大学生20名に2つの楽曲を呈示した(Holst作曲Mars・Venus). 各楽曲呈示前に課題を行う高覚醍群と安静状態を保つ低覚醒群を設け, 課題中, 安静中, および楽曲聴取中の脳波, 皮膚温, 感情を記録, 測定した. また, 呈示楽曲の音圧変動の計測も行った. 音圧の変動は両楽曲で異なった変動パタンを示した. 楽曲が喚起する感情においても, Marsで興奮的, Venusで鎮静的と異なっていた. これに対応して, 皮膚温もMarsで低下, Venusで上昇した. 同様の結果が脳波の変化からもわかったが, この他に楽曲の種類に関係なく, 楽曲呈示により高覚醒群は覚醒水準が低下し, 低覚醒群は上昇した. これらのことから音楽の覚醒調整効果が示唆され, 調整された範囲内において2つの楽曲の効果が位置づけられた.The present study was examined whether music modulated the arousal level. EEG and skin temperature were recorded on 20 students (mean=22.1 yrs) during session of baselin, prepatation of arousal(task or rest), and music(Mars or Venus). Ten subjects, who were assigned to the high arousal group, were preparatively increased their arousal level by the cognitive task before music session. Other ten subjects, who were assigned to low arousal group, were instructed to relax in the rest period before music session. Listening to Mars was accompanied by stimulatory emotion, whereas listening to Venus was accompanied by calm emotion. Skin temperature fell in Mars, while it rose in Venus. EEG data showed that subjects' arousal levels were higher in Mars than that in Venus. In addition, regardless of music type, subjects in the high arousal group were de-aroused and subjects were aroused in the low arousal group during music session. These results support a hypothesis that music effects on the arousal modulation.
- 情報処理学会の論文
- 1996-05-26
情報処理学会 | 論文
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