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The goal of this study is to clarify the process by which fathers of hikikomori children perceive the problem of hikikomori and get to grips with it. Seven fathers participating in the parents' group respondedto semi-structured interviews and these interviews were analyzed using the modified version of the grounded theory approach. As a result, six categories were extracted. It was found that "reconstruction of the problem" of hikikomori was an important aspect of the process. Fathers repeatedly mentioned "lack of understanding of the seriousness of the problem" and "discord in family relations." At the same time, inthe process of "establishing the conditions for changing their perceptions" they thought about a lot of different things, and gradually arrived at a "reconstruction of the problem" as a family problem includingthemselves. What happened then was "broadening of perspective" and "expansion of outward-lookingbehavior" in terms of how they understood their child and their family. "Reconstruction of the problem"was intensified in the process of "broadening of perspective" and "expansion of outward-looking behavior.It seems from this that in the support given to fathers it is essential to position the hikikomori problem, early and firmly, as a family problem.本研究の目的は、ひきこもりの子を持つ父親が、ひきこもりの問題を認識し、向き合うプロセスを明らかにすることである。親の会に参加している父親7名に対し、半構造化面接を行い、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。その結果、6個のカテゴリーが抽出された。プロセスの中で、ひきこもりの《問題の再構築》が重要なポイントであることが見出された。父親は《問題の深刻さの認識欠如》から、《家族関係の不協和》を繰り返しながら、《認識変化への条件整備》がなされていく中で様々に思考し、徐々に自己を含めた家族の問題として《問題の再構築》していく。そして、子ども・家族に対する理解の仕方の《視野の拡大》や《外向き行動の拡大》が起こる。《問題の再構築》は、また《視野の拡大》《外向き行動の拡大》していく過程で深められる。これらより父親への支援では、家族の問題としての再構築を早く確かなものとすることが必要であると示唆された。
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