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本研究の目的は,侵襲の大きい手術を受けた高齢者の術後移行期における自己の創造を明らかにすることである。侵襲の大きい手術を受けた入院中の高齢者5名(冠動脈バイパス術等・65~80歳・男性4名女性1名)を対象に看護援助を実施し,援助記録をデータとして収集した。分析は質的統合法(KJ法)を用い,個別分析と全体分析を行った。その結果,侵襲の大きい手術を受けた高齢者は,【術後の痛みや大変さに耐え,医療者に応じ,身体を休める】ことにより,【管理された身体への探究と確認】を行い,【入院生活の中で,身体の変化や扱い方を身をもって知っていく】。【不安と期待が交錯し,精神的にばらばらなことを心許せる他者にこぼす】ことを通して,【痛みや疲れやすさがある身体状態に応じて,手を借り,試行錯誤しながら自立していく】,【身体の回復に伴い,他者との交流が広がっていく】,【自分にしかわからない壮絶な体験を語ることで,過去と未来がつながっていく】。結果から,高齢者の術後移行期における自己の創造は,身体の変化への探求に始まり,その中で生じたゆらぎを言語化することでゆとりと多面的視点を得て,手術に伴う経験を統合し,行動の広がりを表すものである。そして,術後移行期にある高齢者を支えようとする他者の存在によって,自己の創造がなされていた。自己の創造は,術後移行期の高齢者の内面の世界に入り込み,支援していく際の有用な視点である。The purpose of this study was to clarify the creation of the self in elderly patients during the postoperativerecovery phase after major surgery. Study subjects comprised five elderly patients undergoing either cardiac or aorticsurgery. Data were collected from patient records documenting the care offered by the primary nurse(who was alsothe researcher). The Qualitative Synthesis Method(KJ Method) was used within and across cases to analyze thestructure of creation of the self. This structure was found to consist of seven characteristics occurring in the followingsequence:" Resting while coping with difficulties and postoperative pain by accepting help from medical professionals"leads to" Inquiry and confirmation of body control" and" Exploring and establishing body control and understandingbodily changes resulting from the hospitalization"; followed by" Confiding in others one's thoughts, expectations, andfeelings such as confusion and anxiety", which leads to elderly patients" Gradually standing with assistance due to bodypain and weakness", "Establishing communication with others as part of the recovery process" and" Linking the pastand future through descriptions of the hospitalization experience". The results of this study show that creation of theself during the postoperative recovery phase starts with the inquiry into how the postoperative body is and, by talkingabout the conflicts that arise from this process, brings the addition of various viewpoints and implications. This actsboth to unify their recovery experiences and to develop their behavior. Creation of the self is realized by the existence ofother people trying to support them. These indicators can be utilized in the nursing care for elderly patients during thepostoperative recovery phase.
- 千葉看護学会の論文
- 2014-01-31
千葉看護学会 | 論文
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