科学系博物館の学習活動が児童の理科学力と博物館に対する態度に及ぼす影響 ―異学年集団による大阪市立自然博物館の利用を事例として―
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This paper examines the effects of a single-visit lecture-type learning activity conducted in the science museum on the pupils' science academic ability and attitude towards the science museum of the different school grade group, where pupils had different learning experiences in the past. The following were seen statistically significant; 1) The pupils' amount of knowledge increased after the lecture, regardless of the pupils' past learning experiences, 2) The amount of knowledge was maintained at higher status among the pupils who had the past learning experiences, 3) The pupils who didn't have the past learning experiences had more difficulty metastasizing the newly acquired science concepts. 4) The pupils who didn't have the past learning experiences showed more positive attitudes towards the science museum.
- 大阪教育大学教科教育学研究会の論文
- 2013-03-29
大阪教育大学教科教育学研究会 | 論文
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