The Violence of God: Before and After
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In the time in which we live there are many voice that cry out fordivinely anctioned violence. How doe the name of God come to beaociated with violence? And i there an alternative way of namin# Godthat point u away from violence? We attend firt to the voice of thoewho are called "church father" to notice how initently they call upon uto think of a God without violence, a God who tand not in continuity with,but in utter contrat to the violence of empire and nation. We then turn tothe contruction in pre-modern Europe of a very different view of God, onethat make God to be o aociated with violence a to make the wielder ofhuman violence to eem like the very repreentative of God. Finally weconider ome of the way in which the aociation between God andviolence are brou#ht into quetion in our own time. While thi occur inmany way in the theolo#ical and philoophical reflection of the lat decadeI pay particular attention to thi decontruction of the aociation of thedivine and violence in the work of Jacque Derrida. The way the name ofGod i deployed i re#ularly connected to the behavior of thoe who arecalled upon to imitate the divine a the ima#e and reflection of God in theworld.
- 国際基督教大学キリスト教と文化研究所の論文
- 2008-03-31
国際基督教大学キリスト教と文化研究所 | 論文
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