若年不安定就労者の抱える困難 : 有名大学出身のある男性を事例として
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非正規雇用や無職の若年者たちは,正規雇用に就いていないことの原因をその本人の就業意欲や労働観に求められやすい状況におかれている.そうしたなかで,難易度の高い大学出身で非正規雇用や無職の男性たちは,高卒男性やそれほど難易度の高くない大学の出身男性などと比較して,在学時に就職内定を得る場合とそうでない場合とでは,就業環境や就業形態などに大きなギャップが生じてくるものと考えられる.そんな彼らは,非正規雇用者や無職であることを逸脱としてとらえる社会規範に日々責めたてられるといった葛藤状況にどのように対処しているのか.本稿では, C さんを事例としてこの点を明らかにすることにより,偏差値の高い大学出身の非正規雇用や無職の男性たちの抱える困難とはいかなるものなのかについて考察した.その結果, Cさんは非正規雇用や無職の状況において,学校歴により自己肯定感を得ようとしていることがわかった.しかしながら, Cさんは学校歴により自己肯定感を得ようとするために,実際に就くことができる仕事に落ち着くことができないだけでなく,交友関係において疎外感を感じるような状況におかれ続けるといった困難に直面していた.そしてCさんのこうした困難は,難易度の高い大学出身で非正規雇用や無職の男性たちに,少なからず共通するものであることを指摘した.When young people are in non-regular employment orhave no jobs,it is often said that the reason why they are not formally employed is related to their lack of willingness to work or their attitude toward working. In this context,for non -regular male workers or unemployed men who graduated from prestigiousuniversities, whether they can receive a job offer before graduation presumably has a greater impact on their work environment and working pattern than in the case for male graduates from high schools or colleges that were easier to enter.How are these people dealing with a situation where they dailysuffer from the accusations based on a social norm in whichnon-regular employment or unemployment is viewed as being a deviation? In order to consider this question,this paper focuses on the case of Mr. C. and examines the difficulties faced bynon-regular male workers or unemployed men who have graduated from prestigious universities.The author found that C. is trying to achieve andmaintain a sense of self-esteem through his educational achievements in a situation where he is either unemployed or engaged in non-regular employment. However, his efforts are causing him other problems,too. He finds himself not being able to be satisfied with the jobs that are available to him,while he also continues to feel a sense of alienation inside his circle of friends. Moreover,the paper points out that the difficulty C. faces is fairly common among non-regular male workers or unemployed men who have graduated from prestigious universities.
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