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日系外国人の多住地域は、2002年頃から増加地域と停滞・減少地域への二分化が進んでいる。前者では相対的に三世の比率が高く、後者では二世の比率が高いことなど、多住地域の二分化は人口構成からも特徴づけられる。広島県海田町で実施した日系外国人の調査からは、①福岡県から福島県に至る広範な地域から広島県に来住していること、②他の多住地域と離れた広島県においても地域内での移動が多いとは必ずしも言えないこと、③ブラジル人人口の上位10県からの移動者が比較的若い人々や移動回数の多い人々により構成されている可能性があること、④近年それらの地域からの流入が減少した可能性があることなどが明らかになった。広島県は、他の日系人人口の停滞・減少地域と共通した特徴を有する一方で、外国人研修生・技能実習生の急増が見られる点において大きく異なっている。日系外国人を送り出してきた大手の人材派遣業者が新たに研修の受入れ組合を設立する動きがあるなど、広島県では外国人雇用における日系外国人から研修生・技能実習生へのシフトの兆候が見られる。 付記 本研究は2007年度広島国際学院大学現代社会学部特別研究費「広島県海田町の国際化と大学の地域貢献に関する研究」(研究代表者:伊藤泰郎)の成果の一部である。There are several prefectures in Japan that show a high rate of Latin-American Nikkei's (foreigners of Japanese ancestry), but since around the year 2002 the residential trend of Nikkei's has entailed a polarization: areas of increasing and decreasing Nikkei population. The polarization is characterized by the population composition, where the former (Tokai Region encompassing Nagoya City) includes a relatively high rate of third generation Nikkei's, while the latter (like Hiroshima) is composed of the second generation. The results of the survey that the authors conducted for Nikkei foreigners in Kaita Town, Hiroshima Prefecture in July 2007 indicate that (1) the places of their first arrival in Japan range from Fukuoka Prefecture (in the west) to Fukushima Prefecture (in the east); (2) although Hiroshima is geographically isolated from other prefectures with a volume of Nikkei's, the limitedness of their movement within the same prefecture is not so significant compared with other areas of residential concentration; (3) there is a possibility that those who came from the top 10 prefectures of Nikkei Brazilian population in Japan are of a younger generation or are frequent movers; (4) in recent years there is decreasing influx of foreigners to Hiroshima from other prefectures with residential concentration of Nikkei's. Hiroshima Prefecture has a common character with other prefectures with large number of Nikkei foreigners, of which population is increasing or decreasing. However, it is unique in terms of the rapidly growing number of Asian industrial trainees. Some major manpower agents that once dispatched Nikkei's to the manufacturing industry are now establishing branch companies to hire foreign trainees. In Hiroshima, there is a sign of the change of stakeholders: from Nikkei's to Asian industrial trainees.Note: This is a product of a joint research project entitled "A Study of the Internationalization of Kaita Town in Hiroshima Prefecture and the University's Contribution to the Local Community", led by Tairou Itou and funded by the SY 2007 Special Research Grant of the Faculty of Contemporary Sociology, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University.
- 広島国際学院大学現代社会学部の論文
広島国際学院大学現代社会学部 | 論文
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