- 論文の詳細を見る
In this Paper, I stood in the viewpoint to promote the use of the bus which was the public transport in the possible department area that was residential area in the suburbs of Hiroshima-city and inspected it about the convenience of the bus of the possible department area of the present conditions. I was aimed at quantity of offer compared it with distribution of the population that considered working with an offer range of the service of the bus, and clarifying it whether you were appropriate in judgment to be concrete when I used the bus for a user whether an important bus stop was near. As a result, there was an insufficient district to a range taken the service of the bus and the transport capacity of the bus for the population with the use possibility, and it understood that it was thought to let you detour around a bus route to the populous district in the range that repositioning a bus stop or road circumstances permitted the populous place for the improvement of these problems.
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