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Moderately well-preserved Devonian radiolarians were recovered from the mudstone portion of alternating tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone cropping out along a tributary of the Kanashirozako Valley in the Fukuji area of the Hida-gaien Terrane, central Japan. Float samples of tuffaceous mudstone, which were collected from a riverbed near the outcrop mentioned above, also contain well-preserved Devonian radiolarians. These radiolarian-bearing rocks most likely belong to the Yoshiki Formation, based on lithology. Two assemblages (I and II) are present and contain abundant species of the family Palaeoscenidiidae along with ceratoikiscids and undetermined spumellarians. The rocks containing the two assemblages correlate with the upper half of the lower to middle Emsian (upper Lower Devonian) Trilonche (?) sp. A Zone defined in the Nakahata Formation of the Kurosegawa Terrane. Furthermore, the Yoshiki Formation in the lower reaches of the Ichinotani Valley that yields the Zadrappolus yoshikiensis Assemblage can be correlated with a part of the Pridoli to Pragian (upper Upper Silurian to middle Lower Devonian) Futobari solidus Zone of the Nakahata Formation. Therefore, the Yoshiki Formation is probably Pridoli to early to middle Emsian in age. Stratigraphic relationships between the Yoshiki and Fukuji formations have been poorly understood, due to structural complexities, poor exposures, and the lack of age-determinable fossils. However, microfossil data from these two formations reveal that they are almost contemporaneous. Some past workers have suggested that the Yoshiki Formation is unconformably overlain by the Fukuji Formation, but the presence of an unconformity is not supported by the present study.飛騨外縁帯福地地域に分布する吉城層は,その時代についてオルドビス紀,シルル紀および前期デボン紀と諸説が存在した.また,不整合とされたデボン系福地層との関係も,福地層の層序から問題点が指摘されていた.今回,吉城層の模式均一の谷の西方に位置するカナシロザコの枝沢において,新たに吉城層と考えられる地層の露出を確認した.露頭から採取した凝灰質な砂岩泥岩互層の泥岩部および露頭付近の転石として得られた珪長質な凝灰質泥岩から前期デボン紀Emsianを示す放散虫化石が得られた.従来報告されている吉城層の放散虫化石群集(Zadrappolus yoshikiensis群集)と今回発見された群集から,吉城層の時代は後期シルル紀Pridoliから前期デボン紀Emsianの前期である可能性が高い.この時代論は古城層と福地層がほぼ同時代の地層であることを示す.したがって,両側の接触関係が不整合である可能性は極めて低い.
- 日本地質学会の論文
日本地質学会 | 論文
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