イトメTylorrhynchus heterochaetus Q.の生態学的研究-1-
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The so-called Japanese Palolo, Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus QUATREFAGES, is well known respecting the remarkable mode of its swarming behavior. The anterior half bodies of the worms swarm up near water surface, leaving their posterior halves in bottom mud, when the breeding season arrives. The mature worms (epitocae) are called Bachi in Japanese. The present paper deals mainly with the investigation of the swarmings in the brackish Lake Hinuma, Ibaraki Prefecture from October of 1957 to May of 1958. The main sampling stations are as shown in Fig. 1. The population densities of the worms in the swarmings were determined by the quantitative sampling by counting the worms, which were collected during 15 minutes, crowded to the acetylene lump in the searching boat. The numbers of the Bachi worms collected by the samplings are as summarised in Fig. 2. The most conspicuous swarmings were found every time on each about the highest flood-tides on the new moons in October, November and
- 茨城大学文理学部の論文
茨城大学文理学部 | 論文
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