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太鼓台とは、豊作の秋を感謝して氏神に奉納していたもので、多くの場合は瀬戸内海沿岸の港町、漁師町を中心に分布し、祭礼山車の一種である。重さ2、3トン、長さ12メートル、4~5メートルの高さをもつ。160人のかき夫が担ぎ差し上げる太鼓台は、仕込まれた太鼓を打ち鳴らし、大勢の人々が担ぎながら練り歩く。華麗な姿は、祭礼の中でとりわけ際だつ存在である。本報告は2009年10月15日~10月17日の間、西条・新居浜祭りの調査、情報収集に基づいて纏めたものである。特に新居浜の上部地区の船木地区、角野地区、泉川地区、中荻地区、四つ地区合計19 台の太鼓台を対象としてとらえた(1)「太鼓台」の構造原理(2)「太鼓台」とデザイン(3)「太鼓台」と色彩など三つの視点から各地区の太鼓台と比較しながら、各太鼓台の基本的な構造、デザイン構成要素を明らかにすることを目的とする。Drum Floats is the one which is dedicated to the god in appreciation for the autumn of the good harvest. In many cases, it could be found in the coasts and the fisherman towns of Setonaikai. It is a kind of festival float which is two and three tons in weight, 12 meters in length and 4 and 5 meters in height. Each drum float which is 4-5m in height carrying a drum and is carried by 160 persons while the drum is played and it is followed by crows of people. Its splendid figure is conspicuous in the festival. This report is made based on the research which was held on 15th to 17th of October, 2009. The research was on Saijo and the Niihama festival. Especially Funaki area in the upper area in Niihama, Kakuno division, the Izumi Kawachi division, Nakaogi area.19 drum floats in the above 4areas were investigated. (1) Structure principle of "drum floats" (2) "drum floats" and its design (3) Drum floats and its colors. The research aims to investigate the fundamental structure of each drum floats and a design constituent factor by comparing with the drum floats of each area from the above three viewpoints.
- 神戸芸術工科大学の論文
- 2010-11-24
神戸芸術工科大学 | 論文
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