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予防歯科診療室の定期受診者の意識および態度を把握するために, 平成14年7月~12月の受診者642名を対象に自己記入式のアンケートを行った。また, 管理期間中の歯牙喪失を指標として定期管理の効果を評価した。対象者の年齢構成は75%以上が50歳以上で, 平均管理期間は13.8(SD;9.5)年, 10年以上の継続者が60%以上であった。アンケートから, 対象者の半数が自らの意思で初受診し, 89%が歯・歯肉の健康の保持増進のために受診することが示唆された。処置を受けた後は「爽快感, きれいな歯」など良好な感触を得ており, 定期受診後は「口への関心の高まり」, 「フロス, 歯間ブラシの使用」が認識されていた。同年代と比べて口腔の状態は「悪い方だ」との回答は13%と低かった。そして, 定期受診は8割以上が「是非続けたい」と回答した。対象者の平均喪失歯数は, 60歳代3.6本, 70歳代5.4本, 80歳代6.9本であった。管理期間中の抜歯経験者は172名で全て40歳以上であった。歯の喪失リスクに関して, 初受診時の抜歯の既往が有意な説明変数であった。定期受診の背景には,対象者の健康保持に対するモチベーションの高さとともに,受診後の満足感や健康状態に対する自信が推察された。長期間の定期管理は,セルフケアの充実と相まって歯の喪失リスク軽減に寄与していることが示唆された。The purpose of the survey is to assess the oral health attitude of 642 patients who regularly receive professional care for periodontal health control in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic, and also to evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal care. A questionnaire survey was carried out between July 1st and December 27, 2002. More than 75% of the subjects were older than 50 years of age and 60% continued regular visits for 10+ years. The questionnaire results indicated that about 50% of the subjects had a first visit on their own choice and 89% continued visiting clinic in order to maintain or improve their oral health. They wanted to feel their oral cavities refreshed and teeth cleaned after obtaining professional care. They realized that oral health instruction and professional care made behavioral changes in them toward increasing oral health interests and using dental floss and interdental brush. 80+ % hoped to continue receiving periodontal health care regularly. Subjects aged 60+ years had 3.95 missing teeth in average. While undergoing periodontal health control, 172 persons, who were all 40+ years of age, experienced tooth extraction. Logistic regression analysis showed that having lost teeth at first visit was variable attributed to additional tooth loss while undergoing periodontal control. In conclusion, higher motivation for health, satisfaction after care and self-confidence could be considered as factors that helped to continue their regular visits, and analytic results suggested that professional care in addition to improving their self-care might contribute to decrease the risk for tooth loss.
- 新潟歯学会の論文
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