Biosystematic Studies on the genus Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) : I. Introgressive Hybridization between H. citrina v. vespertina and H. fulva sensu lato
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The occurrence of a natural hybrid swarm between Hemerocallis citrina v.vespertina (Hara) M. Hotta and two varieties of H. fulva, i. e. , v. longituba (Miq.)Maxim. and v. disticha (Donn) M. Hotta, was first reported by Nakao and Yamashita(1956) from Matsunoki, located at the distance of 4 km east of TakayamaCity, Gifu Prefecture, Central Honshu.Based on the results of their investigation, it was concluded that this particularhybrid swarm found in a valley near Takayama represents an initial stage ofintrogression of genes of H. citrina v. vespertina into the population of H. fulva(Nakao and Yamashita, l. c. ) . Another example of introgressive hybridization inHemerocallis, i. e., between H. middendorffii and H. yezoensis was reported byKawano (1961) from Otanoshike near Kushiro City in Hokkaido. In both cases, theecological disturbance of the habitats was deemed to be the maj or causes inbreaking down the isolation barrier previously existing between these plants.In the present study, a natural hybrid population of Hemerocallis in theMatsunoki district was re-investigated from several new standpoints in order toknow more precisely about the biological status of this particular population. Inaddition to the analyses of gross morphology and ecology, the karyotypes andmeiotic behaviours of the chromosomes were studied. The pollen fertility, thesetting rate and germination rate of the seeds were also examined. Furthermore,the electrophoretic banding patterns of acid-soluble protein extracted from therhizomes of both parental and hybrid plants were likewise analyzed and comparedwith one another.
- 富山大学教養部の論文
- 1974-03-30
富山大学教養部 | 論文
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