地域健常高齢者におけるFour Square Step Test の有用性
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敏捷性は日常生活の中でも重要な運動機能の一つであり, 加齢による運動機能低下の一つとしても考えられている.本研究の目的は, 地域居住高齢者に対してWayne Dite らにより考案されたFour Square Step Test (以下FSST)を用いて敏捷性を評価し, また他の身体運動機能評価項目とどのような関係があるかを明らかにすることである. 対象は地域に居住する健常高齢者63名(平均年齢73.5歳) とした. 評価項目はFour Square Step Test (FSST) の他,その他の身体運動機能評価項目として, 膝伸展筋群筋力(LES), 長座位体前屈距離(FFD), 片脚立位保持時間(SLS), Timed Up and Go test (TUG), 10m最大歩行速度(10MWS) を計測した. 結果, Four Square Step Test の平均値は5.8±1.1sec となり, またFSST とその他の評価項目間においてFSST とSLS (r=-.597, P<.0001), TUG (r=.717, P<.0001), 10MWS (r=.589, P<.0001) と, それぞれに相関関係が認められた. SLS・TUG・10MWS の評価項目は運動能力, 特にバランス能力を示す評価項目として一般的に確立されているため, 今回の結果は, 敏捷性の評価も身体運動機能を表す重要な評価指標と考えられ, また日常生活に結びつく重要な運動プログラムの一つと成りうることが示唆された.The purpose of this study was to assess the physical agility and to determine the relationship between Physical agility and Other Physical Motor Functions in healthy community-dwelling elderly people. Physical agility is the ability to change the direction of the body in an efficient and effective manner. Elderly people tend to fall easily due to the loss of this physical ability. Therefore to prevent falling, it is important to assess physical agility in elderly people. Sixty three functionally independent community dwelling elderly people volunteered to participate in the study. Four Square Step Test (FSST) was used as a test of physical agility. The other physical motor function assessments were composed of 10m walking time (10MWT), Timed Up and Go test (TUG), Single leg standing (SLS), lower extremity strength (LES), and Finger floor distance (FFD). Pearson's correlation was used to investigate the relationship between physical agility and the other physical assessments. The level of statistical significance was set at p<0.05. This study shows significant correlation between FSST and SLS (r=-.597, P<.0001), TUG (r=.717, P<.0001), and 10MWS (r=.589, P<.0001) respectively. To prevent falling, it is very important to approach muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. However, the assessment of physical agility is also very important for elderly people. Since there were significant correlations between FSST and SLS, TUG, and 10MWS, physical agility needs to be assessed.
- 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻の論文
- 2013-03-31
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻 | 論文
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