Effect of the new curriculum on the occupational awareness of the nursing students in Sri Lanka
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According to the request made by the Sri Lanka Government, the Government of Japan constructed a Nursing School with the Grant Aid Scheme through Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA). Project Type Technical Co-operation commenced in October 1996, aiming at the improvement and advancement of the nursing education in Sri Lanka. In August 1999, National School of Nursing Sri Jayawardenepura (Model School) was open in Columbia. The Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka revised the curriculum of the nursing schools with the participation of a consultant from the World Health Organisation (WHO), for the first time in 24 years. The new curriculum adopts a technique named "logical framework analysis", which is aimed at self-motivation, self-learning and life-long education using critical thinking. The objective of the research is to examine the impacts of the new corriculum on the occupational awareness of the First batch of the nursing students who entered on August 1999 and the Second batch students who entered on June 2000. At the time the survey was conducted, only 3 months had passed since the Second Batch students entered into the school, while the First batch students had been studying under the new curriculum for 13 months. Therefore, comparing the two batches of students would be considered an appropriate way of evaluating the impact of the new curriculum. The survey mainly clarified the following matters: 1, Negative images on nurses, such as feal. and worry, which they might have at an earlier stage, was wiped out by correctly understanding the hardship of the nursing occupation; 2, More occupational awareness was created by understanding that nursing care should not be limited to assisting the doctors as Was done traditionally. It is concluded that the basic nursing theory, which is an essential factor for self-motivation, has been firmly established among the First batch students, who had studied one year under the new curriculum. 日本政府はスリランカ国政府からの要請に基づき、国際協力事業団(JACA)を通してスリランカの看護教育の充実・向上を目的とし、国立スリジャヤワルデナプラ看護学校を1999年8月に開校した。開校と同時にスリランカ保健省は24年ぶりにカリキュラム改定を実施した。新カリキュラムは批判的思考方法による自己開発と自己学習 、卒後教育につながる指導方針を特徴とする。本研究では、本カリキュラムの教育効果を看護の専門職意識の自己啓発的職業意識により評価できると考え、入学3ケ月後の2回生に対し、新カリキュラム教育を13ケ月受けすでに本カリキュラムの看護理念が定着しつつあると考えられる1回生を対象とし看護職意識の比較調査を実施した。調査結果から、看護職の困難性を正しく理解することにより、それまでの不安感や怖れなどのネガティブイメージが払拭され、また従来からの医師の診療補助的業務のみから脱却し、専門職としての看護職意識が高揚されていることを明らかにし、新カリキュラムの看護職意識に及ぼす効果を確認できた。
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