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「障害者のキャリア形成に関する調査」によって、民間の事業所に雇用されている障害者のキャリアと企業のキャリア形成支援の全国的な状況が初めて明らかになった。しかし、そこで明らかになった一般的状況には、入職時の障害者雇用促進の施策や制度の影響とともに、「雇用された障害者」の就業期間の長さなど、キャリアの差による影響が反映されていたと考えられる。そこで、上記調査結果を50歳代、40歳代、30歳代の三つの年齢層に区分し、それぞれの年代毎に回答の特徴を確かめた。併せて、個々の設問に対して特定の回答がなされた割合を同一グラフ上に表示して、三つの年代間で違いを生じる傾向について確かめた。「初めて就職する前にいた場所」「現事業所に就職する際の職場実習の有無」など8項目に示された状況は障害者の職業対策の進展、障害者雇用の拡大と関連させられ、「現在の職位」「事業所間の異動経験」など5項目に示された状況は雇用された障害者個人のキャリアと強く関わっていると考えられた。最後に、雇用されている障害者のキャリア形成の課題に言及し、そうした実態を縦断的に把握し、障害者雇用の促進と安定に向けた支援を明らかにする研究の必要性を述べた。Countrywide situation on career development of disabled employees within each enterprise and career development assistances firm each working place had been exposed for the first time, by conducting "Questionnaire on career development of disabled employees". However, the findings seemed to be congested with the effect of previous legislation and system for employment promotion of people with disabilities and with the reflection of career development of disabled employees due to the length of vocational life and so on. Therefore, the data was divided into three age-groups, over 50 years old, 40-49 years old and 30-39 years old, and analyzed individually. Then based on them, the diagrams were drawn on the graph according the ratio of the answers to the same questions. Tendencies of inter-group-differences were checked closely. The situation shown on 8 items including "the facility belonged just before the employment", "experience of work trial in case of the employment" seemed to be correlated with development of law and measures for people with disabilities and promotion in employment of people with disabilities. Other situation shown on 5 items including "present position" "experience of changing over the working sites" was considered to be connected strongly with characteristics of career development of each disabled employee. Based on those remarks, the problems about the career development of disabled employees were summarized. Additionally, the necessity of successive researches or longitudinal studies was concluded for grasping the real situation of disabled employees and support needs to progress their working conditions.
- 九州看護福祉大学の論文
九州看護福祉大学 | 論文
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