「がん看護論」の授業展開における「講義評価票」の有効性 : 看護学生を対象として
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4 年制看護大学A 校の臨地実習を履修し終えた看護学生3 年次生49 名の授業「がん看護論」において、学生が講義内容を評価するための「講義評価票」、ならびに、最終回授業に課した「がん看護論」に関する課題レポートのそれぞれを分析し、「講義評価票」の活用が講義内容改善に有効であることを確かめるために調査を行った。 「講義評価票」の集計結果、講義の仕方についての評価の平均値は4.4、講義の内容についても4.4 であった。学生が高く評価した項目は、「講義の仕方」の"講師の熱意"4.5、「講義の内容」の"将来に有益"4.6 であった。 課題レポートは、自由記載の内容を著者が講義進行段階を踏まえて11のカテゴリに分類した。【がんに対するイメージの課題】【看護職への期待と自己の課題】【がん性疼痛の課題】の3 つのカテゴリから、学生の成長過程を確認することができた。VTR 教材を用いた授業は、学生自らが課題を見いだし、断片的であった情報や知識が総合的・構成的に理解したことがうかがえ、VTR 教材が有益であったことを確認できた。 「講義評価票」に関しては、学生の理解の過程を推測可能になったこと、講師と学生とが相互に学び合える双方向的授業の環境作りに役立つ情報を得ることができたこと、これらの情報を授業改善にフィードバックできたことなど、その有効性を確かめることができた。After completing the clinical training, 49 third-year students of "A" nursing university (four-year school) took "Oncological Nursing" as their elective. In this course, "class evaluation sheet" was used as a method to allow students to assess the contents of the class and how it was conducted. At the end of the course, students were assigned to submit free descriptive comments regarding what they learned through the entire "Oncological Nursing" course. The data obtained from the class evaluation sheets were analyzed to find out if the use of class evaluation sheets was effective, and if the teacher's intention through the lecture process was properly conveyed to the students. Aggregation of the evaluation data showed that the average scores for the lecturing procedure and the class contents were both 4.4. Items most highly evaluated by students were 4.5 of "teacher's enthusiasm" and 4.6 of "beneficial for the future career" in the lecturing procedure and the class contents, respectively. Free descriptive comments were classified into 11 categories preset on the basis of author's lecture contents. The categories "issues concerning image of cancer", "expectations toward nursing profession and challenge of oneself", and "issues concerning carcinoma pains" revealed that students were able to find their own challenges through putting together the fragmented knowledge into comprehensive and structural understanding. The class evaluation sheet demonstrated its effectiveness in contributions to estimate the degree of students' understanding, to provide useful information for creating the interactive learning environment for both students and the teacher, and to feed back such information for improving the lecturing quality.
- 九州看護福祉大学の論文
九州看護福祉大学 | 論文
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