- 論文の詳細を見る
1)大区画水田に対応する省力均一追肥技術として新たに開発された流入施肥器を用い,60aおよび1ha規模の現地試験を実施した。本施肥法は粒状肥料の動力散布や顆粒状肥料の水口流入施肥より高い均一施用効果が得られた。2)窒素成分が尿素主体の場合,追肥時の田面水深が浅いほど田面水中から施用窒素の減少消失率が大きくなった。また,同じ田面水深の場合,日減水深が大きい条件でより減少率が大きかった。3)^<15>N標識硫安の施用試験では施肥時の田面水深と水稲の施肥窒素利用率には,一定の傾向は認められなかった。硫安は施肥条件にかかわらず50%前後の施肥窒素利用率であったが,尿素は日減水深0.8cm以下で利用率が40%以下に低下し0.8cm以上では硫安と同等の50%の利用率であった。The application method of liquid fertilizer with irrigation water was tested in large scale paddy fields using a newly developed fertilizer supplier which can make a supplying rate of liquid fertilizer constant. Uniformity of fertilization, change in the nitrogen concentration of flooded water and absorption of applied nitrogen by paddy rice were examined. High uniformity of fertilization was achieved with this method as compared with a conventional broadcast application of granular fertilizer, or an inflow fertilization of granule-like fertilizer with irrigation water. When urea was applied as liquid fertilizer, the fertilizer-N disappeared quickly from ponding water under shallow conditions of ponding water depth. In the case of the same depth of ponding water, the rate of reduction was large under conditions of large permeability of water. The nitrogen utilization rates of urea and ammonium sulfate labeled with ^<15>N were not related to the depth of ponding water at the time of fertilization. When ammonium sulfate was supplied the nitrogen utilization rate was around 50% regardless of fertilization conditions; however, the urea-N utilization rate fell to 40% or less at a permeability of ponding water of 0.8cm day^<-1> or less, while it increased to 50% equivalent to ammonium sulfate, at 0.8cm day^<-1> or more permeability.
- 日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 2005-12-00
日本土壌肥料学会 | 論文
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