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The phylogenetic relationships among seven species of four families of the suborder Salmonoidea were investigated by allozyme analysis. The seven species examined here were the followings: Hypomesus trarspacificus nipponensis, Sprinchus lanceolatus, Mallotus villosus, Osmerus eperlanus mordax of the family Osmeridae; Salangichthys microdon of the family Salangidae; Onchorhynchus masou masou of the family Salmonidae and Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Ayu). From allozyme analysis of 15 different enzymes, total 26 enzyme genetic loci were detected. Based on allele frequencies data at 11 common genetic loci, the genetic distances (D) between seven species were calculated by the method of Nei (1972), and the molecular phylogenetic tree for seven species of four taxonomic groups was constructed from the UPGMA clustering method. The molecular phylogenetic tree indicated that seven species of the suborder Salmonoidea were divided into three large clusters: (1) The first cluster is the family Salmonidae; (2) The second cluster consists of the family Plecoglossidae (Ayu) and the family Salangidae. (3) The third cluster is the family Osmeridae. Among these three clusters, the family Salmonidae diverged at first time and it may be ancestor type, the cluster of Plecoglossidae (Ayu) and Salangidae diverged at next time, and lastly the family Osmeridae diverged at recent time. The molecular phylogenetic tree indicated that Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) is not included into the family Osmeridae, and that Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) composes the family Plecoglocidae. The present molecular results would provide useful information for elucidation of phylogeny and evolution of the suborder Salmonoidea.
- 弘前大学農学生命科学部の論文
- 2011-02-28
弘前大学農学生命科学部 | 論文
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