リンゴ・ナシ火傷病研究の現状 : 第11回国際火傷病ワークショップの話題から
- 論文の詳細を見る
The 11th International workshop on Fire Blight was held 12 - 17 August 2007 in Portland, Oregon, USA. A total 106 researchers and students participated from USA, Canada, Mexico, European countries, New Zealand, Australia, Middle East Asian countries, Korea, and Japan. The latest advances in pathogen biology, host-pathogen interactions, pathogen identification, epidemiology, and disease management were presented by 54 orals and 46 posters. A mid-meeting tour, a trip to the pear and apple production region of Hood River, Oregon, was also included. This is the summary of the meeting.
- 弘前大学農学生命科学部の論文
- 2007-12-26
弘前大学農学生命科学部 | 論文
- リンゴ・ナシ火傷病研究の現状--第11回国際火傷病ワークショップの話題から
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