Existence of non-agglutinating Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida in strains isolated from salmonids in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
Auto-agglutination, protein staining of colonies and protein pattern of A-layer in thirty three isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida from salmonids in various parts of Yamagata Prefecture and Hokkaido were studied. The strains isolated in Yamagata Prefecture did not showed auto-agglutination in broth, colony colour was mainly grey-white on TSA-C and NA-C medium, and there was no 50 kDa. major protein band in the A-layer with SDS-PAGE. It was revealed from the results that non-agglutinating A. salmonicida exist in the strains isolated in Yamagata Prefecture. While there were no strains isolated in Hokkaido which were non-agglutinating. We suspect that the reason for the existence of non-agglutinating strains in Yamagata Prefecture may depend on the temperature at which this bacterium was isolated. 山形県で分離された23株および北海道で分離された10株のAeromonas salmonicidaについて,液体培地での自発凝集性,Coomassie brilliant blueを添加した寒天培地上に発育したコロニーへの色素の吸着およびSDS-PAGEによるA-layerのタンパク組成を検討した.山形県で分離した株中4株は液体培地中で弱い自発凝集性を示し,寒天培地に出現したコロニーは主として色素の吸着を示さないコロニーであったが,一部のコロニーは吸着を示した.他の19株は全て自発凝集性を示さず,出現コロニーに色素の吸着は認められなかった.SDS-PAGEでは山形県での分離株は,北海道での分離株に見られた50kDa.の主要なタンパク質の存在は認められないか,微量であった.以上の結果から山形県での分離株には自発凝集を示さないA. salmonicidaが存在することが明らかになった.
- 北海道さけ・ますふ化場の論文
- 1994-03-00
北海道さけ・ますふ化場 | 論文
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