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We had a case of osteoarthrosis with chronic pain treated effectively by prosthetic occlusal stabilization. The patient was a 55-year-old female with chief complaint of left TMJ pain. We diagnosed her osteoarthrosis by means of CT revealing bilateral bony change. We gave her conservative treatments for initial three months and then ordered a surgical treatment of puncturing joint space, turning out her symptoms still remained. By careful occlusal examination, we found out occlusal imbalance with premature contacts on molars that seemed to be caused by the influence of progressive condylar resorption. We corrected it by prosthetic occlusal stabilization, leading to instant attenuation of pain during mastication and improvement of symptoms in a short period. This case suggests that occlusal stabilization for osteoarthrosis with progressive condylar resorption is important for improvement of pathosis and the removable metal appliance we used is considered an effective method since it is easy to adjust according to bony changes and it gives a patient great satisfaction with use.慢性的な顎関節疼痛を有する変形性顎関節症症例に対し、補綴学的な咬合安定化が有効であった経験の概要を報告した。患者は左側顎関節部疼痛を主訴として来院した55歳女性で、CT検査にて両側顎関節の骨変化を認め変形性顎関節症と診断され、保存的治療を3ケ月、その後顎関節腔穿刺療法を施行したが、疼痛の残存を認めた。咬合精査により臼歯部に早期接触を有する咬合の不安定を認め、下顎頭の進行性骨吸収による影響と思われた。そこで,補綴学的に咬合安定化を図ったところ、即時的に咀嚼時痛が和らぎ、短期に症状の改善が認められた。本症例を通じ、進行性の下顎頭骨吸収を伴う変形性顎関節症に対し咬合安定化を行うことは病態の改善に重要であり、我々が用いた可撤性の金属製装置は、骨変化に応じた調整が容易で患者の満足度も高く、有効な治療法と考えられた。
- 新潟歯学会の論文
- 2000-12-00
新潟歯学会 | 論文
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