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Incidence, sex, age, chief complaint and location of 521 histologically confirmed jaw cysts treated in the First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery were studied using the classification proposed by Fukushima et al. Radicular cysts showed the highest incidence (49.3%), which was followed, in order of frequency, by postoperative maxillary cysts (20.7%), dentigerous cysts (13.0%), primordial cysts (10.8%), nasopalatine duct cysts (3.8%) and simple bone cysts (2.3%). The male to female ratio was 1.6:1 and with the exception of simple bone cysts, the male predominance was observed in all cysts. The peak incidence was in the 4th decade and 75% of the population were in the 3rd to 6th decades. Local swelling was the most common chief complaint. Swelling and/or pain accounted for 83.6% of the complaints, but the cysts were asymptomatic and discovered radiographically in 24% of the patients. The site of predilection was the maxillary incisal region (39.4%), which was followed by the maxillary molar region (29.9%), mandibular molar region (24.7%) and the mandibular incisal region (6.1%). The classification proved to be quite useful for the analysis of jaw cysts.第一口腔外科を受診し病理組織学的に確認できた521例の顎骨嚢胞について、その頻度・性・年令・主訴・部位について検討した。歯根嚢胞(49.3%)が最も多く、以下、術後性上顎嚢胞(20.7%)、含歯性嚢胞(13.0%)、原始性嚢胞(10.8%)、鼻口蓋管嚢胞(3.8%)、単純性骨嚢胞(2.3%)であった。男女比は1.6:1で、単純性骨嚢胞以外のすべての嚢胞で男性が多かった。30才代が最も多く、20才代から50才代までで全体の75%を占めた。主訴では腫脹が最も多く、腫脹、疼痛またはその両者の合計は患者の62.4%であり、症状のなくレントゲン写真によって指摘されたのは24%であった。発生部位は、上顎前歯部(39.4%)、上顎臼歯部(29.9%)下顎臼歯部(24.6%)下顎前歯部(6.1%)の順であった。この分類は、顎骨嚢胞の分額にきわめて有用であった。
- 新潟歯学会の論文
- 1997-07-00
新潟歯学会 | 論文
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