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平成6年1年間に、中央手術室にて行われた手術症例190例、および口腔外科外来、病棟処置室において行われた小手術症例2116例について臨床統計的検討を行った。1. 中央手術室における手術症例麻酔法別では、全身麻酔が122例(64.2%)、局所麻酔が68例(35.8%)であった。性別では、男性91例(47.9%)、女性99例(52.1%)で、年齢別では、最少2歳1ヶ月、最高88歳6ヶ月で、50歳代が最も多かった。手術内容別では、嚢胞性疾患が80例(42.1%)と最も多く、ついで悪性腫瘍の31例(16.3%)の順であった。マイクロサージェリーを用いた再建術が8例あった。全身麻酔の気道確保は、経口挿管が91例(74.6%)と圧倒的に多かった。維持法はGOIが96例(78.7%)とほとんどを占めていた。麻酔時間は1時間以上2時間未満が約半数を占め、手術時間は、全身麻酔例では1時間以上2時間未満が最も多かった。出血量は、全身麻酔例では300g未満がほとんどであった。術前、術中合併症はいずれも循環器系合併症が最も多かった。2. 外来および病棟処置室における小手術例小手術例の総数は2116例で、 うち智歯抜歯は1060例であり、ほとんどが埋伏智歯であった。A clinicostatistical study on operations of the oral and maxillofacial region performed in Nagano Red Cross Hospital in 1994. A clinicostatistical study was performed on 2306 patients operated on in the Department of Oral Surgery in Nagano Red Cross Hospital in 1994. Surgery was performed in the central operating room on 190 patients and the remaining 2116 patients underwent surgery in the outpatient clinic and inpatient ward of oral surgery. In the operating room, 122 operation (64.2%) were performed with the patients under general anesthesia, whereas the 68 other patients (35.8%) underwent surgery under local anesthesia. The patients were 91 males and 99 females, and their age ranged from 2 years 1 month to 88 years 6 months mostly in their fifties. Extirpation of cysts was the most frequently performed (42.1%), which was followed by surgery for malignant tumors (16.3%). Reconstruction of defects with the aid of vascularized free flaps was perfomed in 8 patients. Orotracheal intubation was used in 91 patients (74.6%) whereas nasotracheal intubation and tracheotomy were used in 21 patients (17.2%) and 10 patients (8.2%), respectively. In most patients, general anesthesia was maintained by nitrous oxide, oxygen and isoflurane. The time for anesthesia ranged from 1 to 2 hours in 63 (51.6%) of the 122 patients operated on under general anesthesia. In 56 (45.9%) of them, the operation time was between 1 and 2 hours and the amount of blood loss was less than 300g in 97 patients (97.5%). Cardiovascular disease such as hypertension was the most common disease revealed in personal histories. An elevation of blood pressure was the most frequently encountered complication during general anesthesia. Tooth extraction, mostly of the third molars, was the most common surgery performed in the 2116 patients who underwent minor surgery.
- 新潟歯学会の論文
- 1995-12-00
新潟歯学会 | 論文
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