- 論文の詳細を見る
Almost every year, we have suffered from the small or big natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami floods and typhoon. We learned from these natural disasters how to reduce fatalities and damages to physical facilities such as houses, buildings, roads, water ways, electric, gas and drinking water pipe lines. Especially, the great natural disasters related to earthquakes occurred in Japan at 15 years intervals. There are the various building and town planning codes to reduce the damages caused by natural disasters. There are five main bodies to work for disaster recovery and disaster reduction; i)Public authorities- vocational governments, local governments (state or prefecture) and municipal governments (urban and rural), ii)Local communities (urban and rural), iii)Private business corporations, institutions and firms, iv) Educational institution (universities and high schools), v)N.P.O. (Non-profit organizations). In additional to the above-mentioned main bodies, we recognize the vital roles played by educational institutions and the non-governmental organizations in the case of the relief work during disaster recovery operations. The paper aims at studying community activities - how to cope with natural disasters in collaboration with various public and private corporations and institutions, especially with universities and high schools.
- 2012-03-00
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