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Severe gusty winds hit the northern Kyushu in the early morning on August 21st, 2011. According to Fukuoka District Meteorological Observatory, gusty winds broke out at Hirado City in Nagasaki Pref., Kurume City and Fukuoka City in Fukuoka Pref. and Shimonoseki City in Yamaguchi Pref. Especially, the gusty wind at Fukuoka City seemed to be caused by a tornado. The Fukuoka Prefecture government announced that one injured person was caused, and about 20 residential houses and buildings were damaged. The traces of structural damage and some weather records indicated that the gusty winds were caused by a tornado classified into the Fujita scale of F1. The authors performed site investigations on the damage with information from governmental meteorological stations and NeWMeK, and reported our findings of post disaster investigation.
- 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門の論文
- 2012-01-15
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