腎移植術における尿中肝臓型遊離脂肪酸結合蛋白(liver‐type fatty acid binding protein: L‐FABP)の動態
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原著背景と目的:肝臓型遊離脂肪酸結合蛋白(liver-type fatty acid binding protein:L-FABP)は,細胞内のエネルギー・脂質代謝および疎水性リガンドの輸送を担う分子量約14 kDa の可溶性蛋白で,腎臓の近位尿細管の酸化ストレス障害を反映する.腎臓における虚血再灌流障害のバイオマーカとしてL-FABP の動態を評価する目的で, 虚血時間が特定できる腎移植術で, 腎虚血時間と初尿中のL-FABP 値の関係を検討した.対象および方法:東邦大学医療センター大森病院で生体腎移植術を予定した成人ドナーおよびレシピエント8 組を対象とした.ドナーからは術前,尿管切断直後の残腎からの尿,手術終了時.レシピエントからは再灌流直後の初尿を採取し尿中L-FABP 値を測定した.ドナーの術前尿中L-FABP 値とレシピエント初尿中L-FABP 値の比較はpaired t 検定を用い,p<0.05 を有意とした.初尿中L-FABP 値と虚血時間との相関関係は,相関分析を行った.結果:ドナーの術前尿中L-FABP 値(7.1±6.5 μg・gCr−1)と比較し,レシピエントの初尿中L-FABP 値(476.4±393.2 μg・gCr−1)は有意に増加した.レシピエント初尿中L-FABP 値と虚血時間に相関は認められなかったが,増加率については有意ではなかったが弱い相関が認められた.結論:尿中L-FABP は,虚血・再灌流障害を受けた直後の早期の段階から有意に上昇しており,尿中LFABPは採尿という簡易な手段で測定が可能であり,腎虚血再灌流障害の評価に際して臨床的意義が高いことが示唆された.Background: Free liver-type fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) is a soluble protein with a molecular weight of approximately 14 kDa and is responsible for the transport of intracellular energy, lipid metabolism, and hydrophobic ligands. It reflects oxidative stress in renal proximal convoluted tubules. We evaluated the relation between renal ischemic time and urinary L-FABP values after renal reperfusion during kidney transplantation surgery. Methods: We assessed 8 adult donor-recipient pairs who were scheduled for living related kidney transplantation. Urinary L-FABP was measured before surgery, immediately after ligation of the ureter, and after completion of surgery in donors, and before surgery and in the first urine after renal reperfusion in recipients. Preoperative urinary L-FABP in donors and in the first urine of recipients was compared by using the paired t test; p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The correlation between urinary L-FABP in the first urine of recipients and renal ischemic time was examined by using correlation analysis. Results: As compared with preoperative values (7.1±6.5 μg・gCr−1) in donors, L-FABP (476.4±393.2 μg・ gCr−1) in the first urine of recipients was significantly higher. Its correlation with renal ischemic time was low (r=0.1069), but the increment in L-FABP was weakly correlated (r=0.6740) with renal ischemic time. Conclusions: The present study showed that urinary L-FABP was higher immediately after renal ischemia-reperfusion injury during renal transplantation surgery, which indicates that it might be a good biomarker of acute kidney injury (AKI).
- 2012-01-00
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- 腎移植術における尿中肝臓型遊離脂肪酸結合蛋白(liver-type fatty acid binding protein : L-FABP)の動態
- 腎移植術における尿中肝臓型遊離脂肪酸結合蛋白(liver‐type fatty acid binding protein: L‐FABP)の動態