An ostomate who developed a peristomal skin problem as an outpatient
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The peristomal skin problems often affect an individual's quality of life (QOL) and canresult in financial liability to the individual and to the healthcare system. We haveexperienced one case that takes almost two months to visit the outpatient clinic for theperistomal skin problem. The patient, a 60-year-old woman living in a neighboringprefecture far from our clinic, had a total cystectomy and ileal conduit diversion followingsurgery to remove a bladder tumor in 2004. On her visit to the clinic, the skin redness waseasily diagnosed as the paste-induced peristomal skin trouble and thereby the use of pastewas ceased, resulting in gradual improvement. As part of the case review, a telephoneinterview was conducted to clarify the reason for the delay in treatment. It was learned thatthe patient felt the skin problem was due to the innate weakness of her skin and that earlyvisit to the clinic was probably unnecessary. Since she could not remember how to contactthe clinic for urgent care, she waited for her next scheduled check-up two months later. Thisexperience clarified the need for patient education through visual media to aid in therecognition of peristomal skin problems and the importance of early treatment when suchproblems occur. At the same time, there must be confirmation that the patient understandshow to contact the clinic for urgent care, and information of alternative clinics near thepatient should also be provided.ストーマ周囲皮膚障害は,オストメイトの生活の質に影響を及ぼすとともに,個人及び保健医療システムにとって経済的負担となる.これにより,患者は生活を制限されるだけでなく,皮膚障害に対処するため生活の変化を余儀なくされることもある.今回,我々はストーマ外来通院中の患者がスキントラブルを起こし,受診まで約2ヵ月を要した事例を経験した.患者は,隣県に在住する60歳代の女性.膀胱腫瘍にて膀胱全摘出術及び回腸導管造設術を施行した.皮膚保護材貼付部にペースト使用によると考えられるスキントラブルを生じており,使用を中止した結果改善した.電話調査を行った結果,患者は自分の弱い肌が原因だと思い受診の必要性を感じておらず,予約以外の受診・連絡方法が分からない,近くにストーマ外来があると助かると感じていた.本症例より,スキントラブルを視覚的媒体を用いて紹介したり,異常時の連絡方法を再確認すること,遠方の患者には,近くの相談室や病院を紹介する等の働きかけが必要と考えられた.
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