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要介護高齢者は,嚥下機能の低下などから誤飲などの危険性も高く, 訪問診療で義歯を製作する際には,患者および歯科医療スタッフへの負担も大きい。その結果, 義歯を新製作せずに現状の義歯を調整することで急場をしのぐことも多いが, 根本的な解決に至らない場合も多い。本研究では, 診療の効率と安全性を高める目的で, Silicon-Model-Systemを応用し, 訪問診療において, 要介護高齢者の総義歯を製作した。その結果, 患者, 術者双方への負担が少ない安全な術式で, 質のよい義歯を製作することができた。すなわち本法では, 歯科技工士との良好な連携のもと, 複製義歯形態の個人トレーを用いることにより, 印象・咬合採得が安全かつ容易に行えた。また, 口腔内での概形印象採得を省略できたこと, および印象材に粘膜調整材を用いたことで, 患者側に与える印象時の苦痛を最小限とし, 誤飲を防止することができた。歯科医師にとって, 現代社会のニーズに応え, たとえ制約が多い訪問診療という環境下にあっても, 質の高い義歯の製作に取り組み, 患者のQOL向上に努めることは極めて重要な任務である。本法を応用することで, 身体機能が低下している要介護高齢者にも安全で質の高い義歯を製作できることが示された。Many elderly people who require nursing care have dysphagia, and sometimes suffer from aspiration pneumonia. Therefore, both dentists and patients often feel stress during denture fabricating treatments at home-visits. To avoid such aspiration, we sometimes choose not to fabricate new dentures, but just to adjust the dentures the patients are using at the time. In this study, We examined a new method for fabricating complete dentures for senile patients who require nursing care in home-visits.We used the Silicon-Model-System to increase clinical effiency and improve safety in the treatments. In applying this method, we succeeded in fabricating new dentures safely with minimal stress for both the dentists and patients. Through this method. the procedures of both impression and bite taking became safe and easy by using the special individual trays like copy dentures, with the efficient cooperation of the technicians. Furthermore, we were able to minimize the danger of aspiration in impression taking, by omitting the primary impressions inside the patients' mouths and selecting a tissue conditioner with little fluidity as the final impression material. In response to social needs, it is essential that dentists provide top-class denture treatment in order to improve the quality of life of their patients, even within the considerable limitations of home-visits. This study proved that the Silicon-Model-System is extremely useful in the denture fabricating procedure for senile patients with restricted physical abilities.
- 新潟歯学会の論文
新潟歯学会 | 論文
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