意見の不一致における類型と調整ストラテジー - 中国語母語場面と日中接触場面の事例分析 -
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千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科研究プロジェクト報告書第218集『多文化接触場面の言語行動と言語管理』 接触場面の言語管理研究 vol.7 村岡英裕 編This paper aims to analyze and compare differences in the disagreements that occur both in a native Chinese conversation and in Japanese-Chinese contact situations. More specifically, covered topics are 1) those disagreements which regard a particular understanding of the objective facts and information, or to particular matters of evaluation, forecasting, and feelings and 2) how the two sides in conversation treat the disagreement through language management (cf. Neustupny, 1985), and what particular verbal usages and strategies are used. 11 free-talking (approximately 25 minutes in length) sessions are analyzed and compared in this article. Each session was held by two acquaintances.four sessions are conversations in Chinese only, and the other seven sessions are Japanese-Chinese contact situations. Through an analysis on the different tendencies in treating three different types of disagreements (Ozu 2001, Wang 2006), it was found that participants in Chinese only situations appear to interpret the disagreement based on the degree of the negative impact received on the opposite side. Especially when disagreements result from personal subjective judgments or evaluation, the participants tend to carry out more language management. On the other hand, in the case of Japanese-Chinese contact, the Chinese participants tend to focus more on "pre-adjustment" so as to adhere to Japanese social norms and avoid expressing the disagreement directly. One more finding from the same data is that Japanese native speakers show similar features with the Chinese participants, thought they do tend to express disagreement indirectly more frequently. Additionally, when the disagreement results from either differing language backgrounds, society, or culture, both awareness for and the frequency in carrying out language management both sides evidently rose on both sides.
- 千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科の論文
- 2009-02-28
千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科 | 論文
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