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本研究の目的は,看護学部が主幹となって行った終末期ケアに関する教養教育科目(以下,本科目)を受講した学生の学びの具体的内容を明らかにし,大学の教養教育課程における死生観教育のあり方を検討することである.研究参加に同意した52名(男11名,女41名,学部別の人数は法経学部9・看護学部9・医学部8・薬学部7・教育学部6・園芸学部4・理学部3・工学部3・文学部2)の課題レポートを分析素材とし,本科目を受講した学生の学びの具体的内容を質的帰納的に分析した.分析の結果,本科目を受講した学生の学びは,【対峙することを避けていた死を考える意義】,【自己を取り巻く人々との関わりの価値】,【終末期にある人々へのケアと関わりの重要性】,【終末期にある人々を取り巻く医療環境の現実と課題】の4つに集約された.以上の結果から,学生は,死について考える意義や終末期にある人々との関わりについての理解を深めると共に,死に関する考え方に直面することにより,現在の生活を振り返ったり,今後の生き方や周囲の人々との関係について新たな認識を持つと考えられた.本科目は,医療系学部以外の学生には,緩和ケアに関する正しい知識の普及と終末期にある人々への理解の深まりという意義があり,医療系学部の学生には,今後医療者となる自身の役割や今後の課題を明確にするという意義があると考える.学生の多くは,専門教育を受けていなかったが,本科目の講義内容を,自分自身の生活や所属学部の専門性に引き寄せて学ぶことができていたことから,教養教育科目としてふさわしい科目であると考える.また本科目は,人の誕生前から死後のケアまで「いのち」の全てに関わる看護学部が主幹であったことから,幅広い視点での講義が提供でき,学生の学びにつながったと考える.The objective of the present study was to determine the specific contents of learningamong students who attended a lecture about end of life care that we performed as the general education course and to investigate approaches for education regarding views of life and death in general education courses at Universities in Japan. The specific contents of learning were analyzed in a qualitative, inductive manner based onthe papers written by 52 students who consented to participate in the present study (11 menand 41 women; by faculty, 9 students in the Faculty of Nursing, 9 in the Faculty of Law andEconomics, 8 in the Faculty of Medicine, 7 in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 inthe Faculty of Education, 4 in the Faculty of Horticulture, 3 in the Faculty of Science, 3 inthe Faculty of Engineering, and 3 in the Faculty of Letters). Based on the results of analysis, the contents learned by students who took this course were summarized into the following four categories: "the significance of thinking about death, a topic one had been avoiding", "the importance of care for terminal patients and interactions with them", "the reality of the healthcare settings surrounding terminal patients and related issues", and "the values of interactions with the people around oneself".These results indicate that students reflected on their current lives and gained a newawareness regarding their future lives as well as relationships with others by learning aboutways of thinking about death, as well as by deepening their understanding of the significanceof thinking about death as well as interactions with terminal patients. This course was thought to be meaningful for students in non-medical faculties in terms of disseminating the correct knowledge regarding palliative care and deepening the understanding of terminal patients, and for those in medical faculties in terms of clarifying their future roles and issuesbefore they become medical professionals. As many of the students were able to learn thecontents of this course despite not having received specialized education by relating thecontents to their own lives and areas of study, this course was considered suitable forenhancing the students' knowledge. In addition, the fact that this course was implementedby the Faculty of Nursing, which is involved in care in all stages of "life" from before birthto after death, was thought to have enabled the course to be delivered from various perspectives and to contribute to the students' learning.
- 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科の論文
- 2011-03-00
千葉大学大学院看護学研究科 | 論文
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