臨地実習と医療安全教育 : 学生が捉える臨地実習での事故およびヒヤリ・ハット
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A大学看護学科の領域別臨地実習が終了した3年生80名を対象に、臨地実習における学生が捉える事故およびヒヤリ・ハットの体験から振り返りの内容までの実態について明らかにし、その対応策を探ることを目的として、アンケート調査を実施した。その結果、事故やヒヤリ・ハットを起こしたと回答した学生は56名中21名、件数は24件であった。調査結果より、学生に対する医療安全教育の対応策として、危険を認識し、それを回避する判断力を養うための早期からの医療安全教育の実施や、臨地実習の場面を想定した学内の技術教育、事故やヒヤリ・ハットを起こした際に学生が躊躇せずに教員や臨地実習指導者に報告できる体制の整備、臨地実習中に生じた事故やヒヤリ・ハット事例をその後の学習につなげるための教員の支援等の必要性が示唆された。A questionnaire was given to 80 third-year students in the nursing department of A University, who had completed field practice in separate fields, with the object of clarifying and sounding out measures to deal with the situation relating to accidents and incidents noticed by students during field practice.As a result, it was found that 21 students out of 56 felt that they had caused an accident or incident and that there had been 24 incidents. The questionnaire results suggested that, as measures to deal with medical safety education for students, there was the need to carry out medical safety education from an early stage, in order to foster a sense of judgement in recognizing and avoiding danger, and to have in-house technical education which assumed field practice scenarios; to maintain a system which enabled students, when they had caused an accident or incident, to report without hesitation to a teacher or field practice supervisor; to provide support for them by teachers in order to link examples of accidents and incidents which had occurred during field practice to subsequent learning, etc.
- 新潟青陵学会の論文
- 2009-03-00
新潟青陵学会 | 論文
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