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"The prevention of homeboundness" in the elderly is an important key concept that forms the basis of the prevention of long-term care, and planning, programming and individual evaluation, so-called management, of projects constructed based on such recognition are crucial. Based on the background described above, this paper intends to clarify the connection between "the prevention of homeboundness" and "support for purpose in life" through discussion to obtain a theoretical basis for practice. First, activities which lie at the center of the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) theory are discussed, and possibilities of functional improvement and social participation which would be brought about by the practice of such activities are considered. In addition, the process in which such cycle leads health or QOL (Quality of Life) in a preferable direction is discussed from the three view points of life, livelihood, and human life. Next, new view points for preventing diseases and disabilities peculiarly seen in the elderly, that is, programs aimed at treatment and symptomatic improvement of dementia, improvement and evaluation of physical abilities, application of psychoimmunological findings, etc., are specifically introduced. Finally, as a summary of the discussion and the study, the results are confirmed with reference to the theme of this paper. The present paper is written as a key paper of a joint research the author, et al. intend to work on from 2009 to 2010, entitled "Research and Study on Construction of 'Care System to Support Purpose in Life' that Connects to Prevention of Long-Term Care for the Elderly". 高齢者の"閉じこもり予防"は、介護予防の根幹をなす重要な基軸的概念であり、その認識に基づいて組み立てられる事業の立案・プログラミング・個別的評価等いわゆるマネジメントが肝要である。本論文は、以上のような背景により"閉じこもり予防"と"生きがい支援"との連接を論考によって明らかにし、実践への理論的基盤を得ようとしている。 まずICF(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)理論の中央に据えられたアクティビティを論じ、その継続的実施がもたらすであろう機能改善や社会参加の可能性を検討する。加えて、そうした循環が健康やQOL(Quality of Life)を好ましい方向へと導いていく過程を生命-生活-人生といった三つの視点から議論する。 次に、高齢者に見られる特有の疾患や障害を予防していく新たな視点、すなわち認知症の治療や症状改善を目指すプログラム、身体的能力の改善と評価、精神免疫学からの知見の応用等について具体的に紹介していく。 最後に議論・研究の整理として、論文テーマに沿って成果を確認する。 なお本論文は、2009 ~ 2010 年度にかけて論者らが取り組んでいく予定の共同研究「高齢者を対象とした介護予防と連接する"生きがい支援ケアシステム"の構築に関する調査研究」の基調論文として執筆したものである。
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